2 min read


1. Make your Quiz.

1. First, Think of five question.
For each question, choose four possible answers.
Your question can be about one of the topics here, or you can choose another topic.
Remember, all of the questions are about YOU.

Favourite Food
Favourite Animal
Favourite Colour
Favourite movie
Favourite Popstar
Favourite Drink

2. Problem solving

1. Your inconsiderate neighbor practices the piano every day from two in the afternoon until midnight.
Several times you’ve asked him not to practice at night. each time, he stops practicing for two or three night, but then he starts again,.
You’re a student. You study best in a quiet place.

a. buy earplugs.
b. write a letter to your landlord
c. move.
d. other :

Reason :

2. You moved to a new home four months ago. The woman next doors was very helpful when you moved in. You were grateful ad invited her to dinner. Soon she began dropping in right after dinner and staying for about hour. At first you thought it was nice. Now she visits every evening and asks all sorts of personal questions.

a. pretend not to be home.
b. open the door and tell her you’re busy.
c. tell her exactly how you feel.
d. begin visiting her every night.
e. other :

Reason :

3. You have just eaten in a restaurant. You couldn’t stand the food, and the service was terrible. When you get your bill, you see the waiter did not write everything down, so the amount on the bill is too low.

a. tell the waiter ti add the things to the bill
b. tell the cashier about the mistake when you leave.
c. don’t say anything and pay the amount of the bill
d. pay the bill and leave the extra money as a tip.
e. other :

Reason :

4. Your friend bought a new sweater. She ask what you think of it. You didn’t like it, but you know can’t return the sweater.

a. say, “It’s a beautiful sweater.”
b. say, “I’m not crazy about the sweater.”
c. say, “I don’t like it.”
d. change the subject.
e. other :


5. You are taking a final exam. Your good friend wants to see your answers. You want to help him out, but you don’t want to get into trouble.

a. show him your answer and hope neither of you gets into trouble.
b. show him the answers because that’s what friends are for.
c. don’t show him the answers because it’s wrong to cheat.
d. don’t show him the answers because you don’t want to get into trouble.
e. other :


6. You were plannig to buy a video at the video store. On the way to the store, you see a man on the street selling copied videos at half price.

a. buy the video because you aren’t sure that the other video is good.
b. buy the video at the store because you think it’s unfair to the people who producted the video.
c. buy the video from the man on the street.
d. buy both videos and return to the store when you are sure the video from thr street is good.
e. other :

Reason :